Mission and Vision.


Mission - Helping People Find and Follow Jesus

While there are many places in the Bible we could refer to in order to verify this mission, we think that Acts 17:27 best captures it. “His (God’s) purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him – though He is not far away from any one of us,” (NLT).

Vision - Take Jesus’ Love to Every Person in the Georgian Triangle

We know that this isn’t going to happen overnight, but we believe it’s possible! While we’re committed to partnering with other organizations involved in global mission, we also think that our primary mission is our own back yard.

Our Community.


New Life is a diverse community of people from all walks of life, collected around one common vision… Following Jesus together in such a way that His love will be felt in every part of the Georgian Triangle and beyond.

We believe in creating an environment that will help people discover who Jesus is and in creating a relational community that grows together in its understanding of what it means to be the church.

We strive to help each person discover their unique gifting, abilities, and strengths so that together we can show our region what a community looks like that is centered around Jesus.